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"Don't be Afraid"

Have you ever heard the Father say to you, “Don’t be afraid”. I have heard Him say that to me multiple times, and even just now.

I can see that there are things that the enemy tries to do in our lives to derail us from our post and our path. But Jesus says, “Don’t be afraid.”

Really, there is nothing to be afraid of. He has and continually saves us from our sin. He has offered us forgiveness and we are alive in Him. Never to be separated again. Never! (Eph 1:7,13-14)

So, if we have all of that, what could possibly harm us? Nothing! Nothing is the answer. Jesus has sealed the deal. We are forever His! Your word is like honeycomb on my lips. Psalm 119:103 says it like this, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”

The enemy is sneaky. He will try to make you think things that just aren’t true about you. Be on your guard, the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8).

You have to be patient with yourself. Remember the cross - what God has done for you. There is a great chasm that exists and the only way to cross it is through the blood of Jesus. For you, child of God, Jesus has bridged that gap for you and you are on your way to heaven.

Speak the TRUTH, out loud! The enemy hates that and God is glorified!

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