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"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"

Updated: Sep 9, 2021

There have been many times when I have wanted to judge the happenings going on around me. Things in the lives of the people I know and meet, and even world events. I hear people say the most ungodly things toward others and feel so uncomfortable when that happens.

Last Sunday, our Pastor was preaching on the book of Daniel and one of his points was to pray like Daniel. However, I heard in my spirit, "pray like God". I thought about John 17, the Lord's Prayer, etc. But yesterday, out of seemingly no where, I heard God whisper to me, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

Immediately I thought of the times, and all that is going on in the world and knew that that was the answer! Jesus forgave US, He forgave all of His enemies who crucified Him and EVERY sin the world has committed has ALREADY been judged at the cross.

Won't you pray with me? "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"......?

Jesus loved His enemies and prayed for those who persecuted Him.

Jesus died even for those who are doing evil things. Won't you pray?

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Mark Averitt
Mark Averitt
Sep 03, 2021

His forgiveness is beyond understanding. His Love is boundless!

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