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Freedom and Grace

What do you see when you look at the moon and stars?  Do you see freedom and grace?  

God has done a wonderful thing.  From beginning to end, He has planned for our universe to point to Him. 


How many stars do you think there are in the sky?  Too many for you to count, that's for sure.  God told Abraham that his decendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky.  What do you think Abraham felt when he heard God tell him that?  I'm sure he felt God's grace.  God surely didn't have to do that for Abraham, but He did, and when God decided that Abraham's children would be too great to number he wasn't holding back.  This is a reminder to us about who God is.

That's just how Jesus is with us in our lives.  He doesn't hold back.  His grace is free and freely given.

Now the moon constantly supplies light, it never stops.  I could say that looks like God's forgiveness.  He says if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  How many times do you think He does that?  Not just for you but for all believers?  When He constantly turns the light on, He is reminding us that we can always come home to Him.  And with God's forgiveness there is freedom...

Freedom and Grace.

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