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He Bore our Sins

So, I was teaching 3rd grade Sunday school today and it was a good class. We had 15 learners, some who know the Lord and some that don't. We talked about trusting God, hearing from God, talking with God and living for God. We talked about practicing our faith and what that looks like.

Right in the middle of our discussion, God provided Proverbs 2:6. It says, "For the Lord giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding". He shows His children why we should come and listen to Him. I told them that they can say that verse back to God, tell Him what He has promised, and He will answer. I also told them that they have to trust that God wants to lead them and guide them.

Well, after class, I was standing in the lobby dismissing kids from our large group time and heard inside my heart, "He bore our sins in his body on the tree". Is there anything more amazing? That is the goodness of God. That is the wisdom and knowledge and understanding God provides.

I love the truth and I hope you do too. Jesus gave His life for us, but not only that, He bore our sins in his body on the tree. Let that sink into you and may it give you hope to praise and love God.

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