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In Christ Alone

There is only one thing I want you to know today. There is only one person who can secure your eternal destiny. We all have a destiny… a place where we are going to go when we pass from this life. Do you know where you are going?

Let me start by telling you that you have a choice. In Joshua 24:15, He says, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

God gives us a choice and He wants us to choose life … and Jesus Christ is that life. It’s a decision that one must make… for eternity. Have you ever thought about how long eternity is? We can hardly wrap our brains around that one. It’s never-ending! Either with God, or without Him, FOREVER!

So, I’m imploring you to ask yourself….Have I ever made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ? Is He the sole person you place your trust in? Is He your life? Is He your love? Do you acknowledge that He has conquered sin and death and died in your place? That He has won the victory and defeated Satan at the cross? and He is ALIVE, forevermore!?

We all have a decision to make. Who are we going to serve? Who are we going to worship?

The Good News is that we can make that choice TODAY! We can seek God’s forgiveness for however we have lived our lives up to this point and pray for His Holy Spirit to lead and guide our lives, now and into eternity.

God is a good Father. Will you trust Him?

There is no other security for you, now and into eternity, but in Christ ALONE.

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