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Love Conquors all Sin and Doubt

Updated: May 31, 2023

Have you ever looked at someone's life or something they are doing in their life and thought to yourself, "I don't understand how they can be that way." Maybe you are comparing how you are a clean person and someone in your life isn't and you don't understand how they can live that way.

Well, the truth is, we all have junk in our lives. The question here is, can you see past it and recognize what is important? Love conquors all sin and doubt. Do you LOVE the one you are with? 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love conquors a multitude of sins."

I know that I would want them to love me, even though I am doing something that they wouldn't do. Isn't this just like God? He loves us still. He loves us when we fall, He loves us when we are weak, He loves us as we are growing up in Him. I have made thousands of mistakes and will probably make more.

So, this is what we do when a thought comes about someone else that somehow makes us think less of them, because they are doing something we wouldn't do... We find a way to demonstrate our love toward them. Re-commit our life, our love, our friendship.

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