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Speak Light into the Darkness

Hello.  Have you ever been in a place of utter darkness?  Where you just can’t see your way out?  Maybe you are there right now.  First of all, I speak in Jesus Name!  No darkness can overcome the light.  It’s the exact opposite… the light OVERCOMES the darkness (John 1:5).


So, do you remember what God did when He created the world?  Do you remember the passage of scripture in Genesis 1:2, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  Verse 3 then says, “And God said, Let there be light”, and there was light.”


He SPOKE and light pervaded the darkness!  Oh, Holy Spirit, thank you for this reminder!  That we, as God’s children can SPEAK truth into our hearts and minds and it will pervade the darkness. 


Maybe you needed to hear this today.  Maybe you are in a battle for your life.  Maybe you need to remember that God has OVERCOME the darkness.  JESUS has OVERCOME sin, death, the grave and Satan!   Remember, my dear friend, God loves you!  The enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy, but GOD has come to give us life and life to the full!  (John 10:10).


Don’t give in to the enemy’s ploys!  He is a defeated foe!   Did you get that??  He is DEFEATED (by Jesus’s death on the cross and resurrection) and he knows that his destiny is the lake of fire, Hell, forever!  God showed me something a while back while I was singing a song called, “No More Night”…  That evil is banished to eternal hell.  Think about that.  You have nothing to worry about.


Turn to the Lord, ask for forgiveness, repent of any known sin.  Don’t languish in what the enemy is lying to you about…. He is a LIAR!   Jesus Christ (the Way the Truth and the Life) will free you from these bonds that have held you down.  He is the only way to real hope, to real life, to real communion with God.  He is the TRUTH!


Please remind yourself, if Jesus is Lord over your life, He has come through for you in the past and He will do it again.  He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you (Deut 31:8).  Remember His promises to you.  God cannot lie!  Every single promise is REAL and TRUE!  Who does He say you are?  You are a beloved child of God, you are a sinner set free from the shackles and shame of sin and mistakes, you are loved by God, you are His own, purchased by His BLOOD!  You are redeemed and reconciled to God, your identity is based on your position in Christ, ALONE!  Your soul is in union with God.  Praise be to His Name!  He has set you free and you can walk in that freedom.  Remember Him, Remember what He has done.


I love the song, “God will Make a Way”, by Don Moen


God will make a way where there seems to be no way.  He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me.  He will be my guide, hold me closely to His side, with love and strength for each new day, He will make a way, He will make a way.


Please accept the Truth of God’s Word to you.  Remember who He is and who you are in Him. 

He loves you and will never let you go.

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