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The Age of Grace

Have you thought about all the turmoil in the world and all the goings on in our hearts and minds about what it to come? For Christ followers, we may be thinking about the well as the coming of our Lord.

We think about these things because they are upon us and we must be watching with open hearts and minds so the Lord can use us in people's lives.

With all this turmoil though, God wants us to remember that we are right now in the Age of Grace, it is the Church Age. I am thanking God for His patience and love toward us. That He would remind us to live the way He has called us to live and remember that His love still extends to the broken-hearted, the worn, the weary, the lost.

I pray you will see the need in the world and extend the love of Christ to someone today. His heart is for us and He never lets His people go. Will you trust Him with your life today and know that He will change you to be more and more like Him?

He went all the way to the cross to satisfy the requirement of God the Father for the payment of sin. He poured out His life for us and it was His sacrifice alone that brings us into a perfect and satisfying relationship with Him - He was crucified on a tree, was buried and rose again on the third day.

I pray you see your need for Him, if that's where you are today.

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