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The Anatomy of Forgiveness

Today, I want to talk to you about forgiveness. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot on this topic but I believe it is worthy of our attention because it undergirds everything else in our lives.

First, what we think of forgiveness and second, how it plays out in our lives. Let’s talk about it.

I think for many people, forgiveness can be a hard thing. And I think it's hard because of doubt. When we

doubt what God has done for us, we can't see clearly and we forget that we are forgiven. This is important. When someone forgives you of something, don't you feel free? All that heaviness just disappears and your

relationship with that person is restored. This is also how it is with God. Let's look a little deeper into this.

God intends for us to experience forgiveness in two ways. First, He wants us to know and trust His forgiveness. In order for us to have a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father, we must accept the truth that we are completely forgiven. God told me to “forget the past, that my transgressions are as far as the East is from the West.” If you keep looking at the past or the enemy keeps reminding you of it and you don’t tell him that Jesus cancelled your debt, you will feel guilt. But Jesus declares me and you, “Not guilty.” We are no longer sinners but Saints!

At the cross, through Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, payment has been made, once and for all, and we received redemption. We were bought for a price. We also received forgiveness - And in this we find our ability to come to God, without fear. I cannot tell you how many times God has told me I’m forgiven. I needed to hear it, to remember it.

When God says we are forgiven, He means it. It’s an expression of His love toward us and it’s a done deal! We are eternally forgiven. Forgiven of every sin - every wrong thought, wrong word, wrong act. He forgives us, completely. This is what it means to be pardoned.

Jesus came to set us free and part of doing that involves being freed from any condemning feelings or thoughts that are tied to unforgiveness.

So, the second way God intends for us to experience forgiveness is to forgive others. Once we know that we are truly forgiven, we can then uproot any root of bitterness toward others who may have hurt us or rejected us by forgiving them.

Are you finding it hard to forgive someone? Let me remind you of all that you have been forgiven of. Think on it for a minute. Once you see that God is not holding anything against you, you will be grateful and allow yourself to let go of whatever you may be holding against someone else.

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