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There is Purpose in the Suffering

Have you ever wondered why God lets us go through things that seem to never end? Are you going through something hard right now and need a shift in perspective? Let me tell you, there is purpose in the suffering. Will you let that sink in for a minute? And trust that truth?

Maybe you don’t understand it but God hasn’t’ forgotten you. He is using this suffering in your life to help you pay more attention to Him. He hasn’t left you, He is with you. How much did you need to hear that today? Do you know that? Do you know that He is with you? In EVERY season.

We know that God is Sovereign… In complete control of everything that happens in our lives. And He promised He will never leave us nor forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, The LORD himself goes before you

and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."

You are adequate...acceptable. Did you need to hear THAT today?

It's about choices. God, in His unfathomable Grace, gives us choices in our life. What are you choosing right

now? What choices are you making? I want you to consider this. Do you know that you have complete

control over the choices you make? COMPLETE control! God made us this way. You are not alone in these

choices, but God made us with a free will. We have the ability to make right or wrong decisions for our lives.

Will you decide with me today to give God control of your life? To relinquish everything to Him? To TRUST

that He knows best for your life and you don't? I know you've been lonely and God wants to change that. He

hears your every cry, your very heart. He knows all the storms you've been through and He knows what it takes

to bring you through them. He is God Almighty. Nothing is too powerful for Him. Do you need this shift in

your perspective today? Will you sit with Him today and let Him heal you? Your Heavenly Father, who knows

ALL things?

He is wanting you and waiting for you...RIGHT NOW. Will you lay everything at His feet and stop trying to do

everything on your own? He knows you perfectly and desires that close knit relationship with you. He will never

fail you.

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