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What are you Eating?

So, this morning I found myself thinking on something that I shouldn’t have been and heard inside, what is your diet?  Do you realize yet that you not only choose what physical food you will eat but you also choose spiritual or mental food to eat as well…?


Will you put some thought into it…. What is your diet?  Mentally, I mean… what are you eating?   Do you know that you can choose what you are thinking about?  What you entertain?  And there is good food just waiting for you to desire and consume.  God gives us this food and it is at the cross of Christ where we find it.


Let me start by encouraging you to know and trust that GOD is our deliverer.  He will remove things and people from your life that aren’t good for you and bring things and people into your life that are part of His plan for you.  Will you choose to settle your heart on that?  I ask that question because a lot of people hear a message but they don’t envision it or believe it for themselves… even when it is true.


We NEED to first trust that God has everything in His hands, that He is the master coordinator, He is our Teacher, He is our very life and we were made for Him.  Let me say that again… we were made for Him.  His design, not ours.


So, let’s get back to our way of thinking…. Have you thought about what you are thinking about?  Is it keeping you stuck in sinful thought patterns?  Or are you dancing and singing in the open green pastures of the freedom Jesus offers us? 


May I offer a perspective?  If you are thinking about what you are thinking about, who is observing this?  You are!  The real YOU!  So, the thoughts that come to your mind are not YOU!  They are just thoughts. So, now that you see that you are the one observing the thoughts, you can now decide what you want to accept or reject and, in general, what you want to think about.  You choose!  YES!  You get to decide this for yourself.


That is why God says in Romans 12:2 – “Be not conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will.”  He also says in 2 Cor 10:5,  “We take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.”  These are commands.  Something that we are perfectly capable of doing and should be doing to honor God and live in Truth.


This is revolutionary!  If you can grasp what I am saying here, your whole life will change!  You will be consuming a spiritual diet that is meant for you to consume, meaning Christ, and His Word vs. living by thoughts that are nothing but garbage…. Regardless of where they are coming from – You, the world or the Devil!  You have control over this!


God is bigger than life and He can help you to move into a relationship with Him, so you can build Trust and Faith in Him and not yourself.  Will you allow Him to help you?


Go deeper!  God is pressing in on me.  Do you know that you are HIS child?  You ARE!!  You are HIS!  Fashioned by Him!  Psalm 119:73 says, “Thy hands have made me and fashioned me:  give me understanding, that I may learn thy commandments.” 

Do you know that there isn’t anything He wouldn’t do for you?  Really… think about that for a minute.  He says, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7-8)  He doesn’t hold back anything from His children.  He wants to bless you.  He adores you!  But we need to align ourselves to the Truth… what He says about us and how He tells us how to live.  God is righteous and He wants us to live in righteousness and holiness.


May you be blessed and encouraged today to walk with Him in Spirit and in Truth.





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