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Work out Your Faith

So, it’s one thing to be a Christian just humming along and it’s a whole different thing to be working out your faith. Paul exhorts us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12).

I say this because we need to be living out our faith every single day. Working it out that is.

What do you believe? If you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, then you are trusting in His power to raise you from the dead! Tell someone! This is great news!

Have you seen some of the people in this world lately? The horror that some people experience fills my heart with sorrow. Sorrow that they don’t have life in them.. the life of Jesus Christ I mean.

So, what does it mean to work out your faith? Remind yourself of what you believe – what you know is true. What has God set you free from? How about a life of hopelessness and sin and death? Are you going to live with Him in eternity? Ponder that for a minute. Not everyone can say that! Do you think about people being separated from God for eternity? There is a lot at stake here.

I want to remind you that your faith isn’t just for you. God wants to be known and His people live to share the truth about who He is and our life in Him so that He WILL be known. Known by a dying world that desperately needs Him.

Faith in Christ is a gift. Did you know that? We don’t muster it up. God gives it to us and we can praise Him for that.

What about His sacrifice? His suffering? Have you thought about that lately? Why did God bring Jesus into this world? It was to suffer and to live a life of humility toward God to show us the way to live. Have you experienced suffering in your life for Jesus’ sake?

The bible says that it is not to our credit when we suffer for doing something wrong, but when we suffer for doing something right. Do you remember this verse? 1 Peter 2:20 says, “For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But if when you do what is right and suffer for it you patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.”

Doesn’t this cause you to want to stand up for what is right? And even suffer for it?

Let Christ be known in your life and you will find God in ways you have never known.

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