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You Are Not Alone

I want to start out this post by letting you know I am overwhelmed by the Love and Grace of God. In my most trying times I may not "see" Him but He has NEVER failed me and He ALWAYS shows up, NO MATTER WHAT!

Have you been going through a hard time? Some of us have, and I think if we are honest, we will admit that most of us have. But I have come to learn that God will do whatever it takes to help us..... see Him for who He truly is, defend us when we need defending and make us right with Him even when we say or do wrong things......100%!

The things I've learned in my trying times might seem elementary, but I guess I needed to learn them again. First, He is God and I am not! I DO NOT control the Holy Spirit! Oh, boy, do I never want to make that mistake again, and why would I? He has every right to direct my life, not me.

Second, it's not all about me. ("Of course" you would say, right?) I found myself in a place where I couldn't even see that all I was doing was looking at my own needs and wants. Here's where God comes in... when I said, "I can't see", I heard "count your blessings". As soon as I did that, I was able to see myself looking at other's needs and not just my own. Did you get that? It seems contrary, but when I praised God for all He has done in my life and given me, I immediately began to see other's needs. This was a tremendous blessing to me... there's nothing worse than always looking at yourself, and this can happen if you are going through a major hardship and you start to THINK that you have to do something to fix it! Have you ever been there? Even more than that, I believe that that happens when we don't see or believe that God is taking care of us and we are trying to do it all on our own. Guess what? We CAN'T and it doesn't work because we weren't designed that way.

God wants to pour blessing into our lives, but we cut Him off when we THINK we can take care of ourselves... We cannot!

Third, God has perfect timing. (Again, you might say, "of course He does") Well, having this impressed on me is what gave me the faith and trust to WAIT and know that He KNOWS! Boy, that can be a HARD thing when you are going through a trial.

My encouragement to you if you are experiencing.a hardship or going through a tough trial is to know and remember that God is in control of your life, even if it seems out of control. He is allowing things to happen to bring you to a better place. He loves you.

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